Bean can be divided soybean and mixed bean, soybean includes yellow bean, petites bean,
black bean,etc, while mixed bean includes red bean, mung bean,etc.
Soybean and its products is the only high quality protein in plant protein, and from now, it is
also the major source of high quality protein. In addition, soybean rich in plant hormone
(Isoflavone), which can help to delay the kidney function deterioration. Though there are some
potassium, phosphorus, these element dissolve in the water, so its content reduced in the
making process. So kidney disease patients can take soybean properly.
Soybean contains much high quality protein, nutrition value is high, but our body don’t
deposit protein, over protein will discharge out of the body through kidney, on the condition
that kidney has been damaged, taking too much high quality protein will also aggravate the
kidney burden.
We advice: soybean and nuts intake need controlled in 30-50g everyday.
While we don’t advice kidney disease patients taking mixed bean for its content and making
process is different from soybean.